Date |
Title |
06-16-2016 |
Old Coleman LP Lanterns Went Obsolete! |
07-12-2015 |
Modern Sentry Training |
03-05-2015 |
Ranger Up!!! Real-World Hand Signals |
01-19-2015 |
Obama - Just Playing Through |
01-16-2015 |
Some Obama Humor |
09-25-2014 |
Bullshit Bingo - Obama Version |
09-24-2014 |
Flowchart Tells You When to Worry About Anything |
08-27-2014 |
To Kill an American |
04-20-2014 |
Hazard Fraught Tools |
04-14-2014 |
Long Live The Queen |
04-14-2014 |
They Only Had One Job To Do |
03-06-2014 |
Has It Really Come To This? |
03-06-2014 |
Ordering Some Golf Balls in the Obama Era |
03-05-2014 |
I Forgot My Phone - Video |
01-28-2014 |
Back To The Future, Part II |
10-22-2013 |
How To Be Presidential - George W. Bush - 43rd U.S. President |
10-07-2013 |
Obama Opposed Raising the Debt Ceiling as Senator |
10-04-2013 |
Putin on Negotiating With Obama |
10-04-2013 |
Efficient Gun Control That Makes Sense |
10-03-2013 |
Remote Control Helicopter Footage - Niagara Falls |
09-11-2013 |
Alert Levels in 2013 Europe |
08-28-2013 |
Best Photo Caption Ever |
08-28-2013 |
Justice For Trayvon...This Explains Everything |
08-26-2013 |
Toneman the SPAM® King |
08-26-2013 |
Shocking Report From Detroit |
07-22-2013 |
State Mottos |
06-26-2013 |
Wildebeest Migration Argument |
06-25-2013 |
Now That's a Great Dog! |
06-18-2013 |
Your "Private" Phone Calls |
05-05-2013 |
How To Properly Sit In The Oval Office (Note to Barack Obama) |
05-01-2013 |
Gutter Repair |
03-05-2013 |
Sean Penn Mourns Loss of Hugo Chavez |
03-04-2013 |
Dennis Rodman's Lovefest with Kim Il Un |
03-02-2013 |
Photos: The 2013 "Running of the Bowls" Toilet Bowl Races |
02-27-2013 |
Retro Photo: Toneman Rappelling off Enger Tower |
02-26-2013 |
New Golf Lingo |
02-19-2013 |
Who Are The Real American Heroes? |
02-12-2013 |
US Marines Rescue Taliban Sex Slaves |
02-10-2013 |
Spearfishing - How Not To Do It |
01-31-2013 |
Viet Nam Helicopter Pilot Wisdom |
01-20-2013 |
Start The Day...(Okay, it involves bacon) |
01-17-2013 |
Trail Camera Visitors |
01-16-2013 |
Confiscate Liberal Democrats? |
01-08-2013 |
Obama Lying About Guns |
01-03-2013 |
Mayor Bloomberg on Gun Control |
01-02-2013 |
Sgt. Stubby - A True War Dog |
01-02-2013 |
Happy Holidays, From Your President! |
10-31-2012 |
The Zombies are Coming |
10-28-2012 |
Obama Fairness |
08-20-2012 |
Photo: Tony Doing a Back Flip Off The Roof In A Blizzard (retro to 1997 or so...) |
02-13-2012 |
Scott Walker's Brown Bag Guide To Government |
12-13-2011 |
U Want Change? DuhBro Gotta Go - 2012 |
10-12-2011 |
Photo Gallery (Humor): Occupy Duluth - Protest Rally - October 2011 |
09-26-2011 |
The Real Problem With Our Government |
09-26-2011 |
Behind the Scenes in the Obama Administration |
09-20-2011 |
Disrespect For Public Housing |
09-08-2011 |
Video:Chimp With An AK-47 (4MB WMV) |
08-26-2011 |
Anticipation of the Unveiling of the Obama Statue |
08-26-2011 |
Patriot vs. Punk - Evidence Example No. 236 (Obama and Perry) |
08-21-2011 |
Command Experience - Bush vs Obama |
08-19-2011 |
Whiskey - A Texas Politician's Take |
08-11-2011 |
Spirit Mountain Timber Twister & Zip Line Videos |
05-10-2011 |
The Baptist Preacher and the Fighter Pilot on a Flight to Texas |
05-10-2011 |
Some Awesomely Bad Fashions From the 1970's and 1980's |
05-10-2011 |
Now Canada Has a Border Problem |
05-10-2011 |
World's Shortest Books |
04-29-2011 |
Celebrities Who Look Alike...Separated at Birth? |
04-29-2011 |
Okay, The Food May Be Great, But...I ain't eating here! |
04-05-2012 |
Redneck Deer Hunting No-Bait Warning Sign |
03-21-2011 |
Coyote Hunting - South Dakota Style |
03-21-2011 |
Toivo's Favorite Animal That Is Alive |
03-17-2011 |
Confessions of a 2nd Grader: My Favorite Animal |
03-17-2011 |
Fail! |
03-17-2011 |
A Cajun Walks Into a Bar with an Alligator... |
03-17-2011 |
Obama Voters: So how is the "Hope and Change" going? |
02-25-2011 |
2011 Fish Lake Vintage Snowmobile Rally |
02-24-2011 |
NSA Terrorist Threat Levels - By Country (This is really funny) |
02-24-2011 |
Terminology Translations - Californian to Minnesotan |
02-24-2011 |
Yosemite National Park - Frazil Ice - Yosemite Creek - Video |
02-24-2011 |
Ode To Joyous Flight - Video |
02-24-2011 |
Rules to Live By - By Service Branch |
02-24-2011 |
Top 10 Ways to tell if you might be a member of a Public-Sector Union |
02-21-2011 |
Egyptian Protester Headgear |
01-07-2011 |
Some Awesomely Silly Feedback From A Fan Of My Website |
12-07-2010 |
Fishing Trip Invitation |
12-07-2010 |
How To Load a Truck For Hunting |
11-02-2010 |
The Cessna and the Lawnmower |
11-02-2010 |
High Jump (From Kneeling) World Record |
11-02-2010 |
Five Monkeys - A Lesson in Politics |
11-02-2010 |
What Used To Fly For Proper Advertisements |
11-02-2010 |
Flight Experience - Bush vs. Obama |
11-02-2010 |
Video: The Deer That Got Away (1.4MB WMV) |
10-20-2010 |
My Doctor Hu Told Me This...He's a Doctor |
10-20-2010 |
The Lost Picasso - Election Year 2010 |
10-20-2010 |
Office Food Theft Wars |
10-20-2010 |
Turtle Burgers |
10-20-2010 |
Squeeze Bacon (Where do I buy it???) |
10-20-2010 |
Great Tea Party Sign |
08-11-2010 |
Video: How To Botch a Holdup (800k WMV) |
07-23-2010 |
There! I Fixed It! |
07-23-2010 |
Some REALLY Big Snow! |
07-23-2010 |
Alabama Funeral |
07-23-2010 |
Motivational Posters For Men |
07-23-2010 |
Omega-3 Supplements From BP |
07-23-2010 |
Who Is Your Real Friend? |
07-23-2010 |
Two Minnesota Bucks Frozen in Ice |
07-23-2010 |
Barack Hussein Obama's Simple Message to Americans About His Health Care Fiasco |
07-23-2010 |
Savage Model 10MLSS .50 caliber Muzzleloader Rifle Blown Up |
07-23-2010 |
Video: Whitetail Buck Fight (6MB WMV) |
06-12-2010 |
25 Ways To Tell You Are All Grown Up... |
06-09-2010 |
Cool Retro Photos from Tony's "Big Box of Prints" |
06-09-2010 |
Tony's Letter Home From Camp Miller - 1977 |
05-28-2010 |
May God Bless This Airline Captain |
05-28-2010 |
Salami Battle in German Grocery Store |
05-28-2010 |
Snowman Humor |
05-28-2010 |
Hunting Trophies - 2010 |
05-28-2010 |
Siamese Northern Pike |
05-01-2010 |
Border Crossing Realities |
05-01-2010 |
The Haircut |
05-01-2010 |
New Air Force Rank Chart |
04-27-2010 |
Cattle-Guard Gate Mayhem |
04-08-2010 |
Parenthood: Failure! |
04-08-2010 |
The Promised Land |
04-07-2010 |
Bank Robbers Phone Their Cash Demand Ahead |
04-07-2010 |
Tea Party Girl |
04-07-2010 |
The Deer Stayed Home |
04-07-2010 |
Wrist Rocket Rigged For Shooting Arrows |
04-07-2010 |
Chicken Egg Humor |
04-07-2010 |
Almost Springtime in Minnesota |
04-07-2010 |
Moose That Fell Into A Crack |
03-27-2010 |
Earth Hour 2010 |
03-26-2010 |
Obama Political Cartoons From Around The World (Not everyone likes him!) |
03-26-2010 |
Animal Talk |
03-26-2010 |
Homeless Panhandler Signs - It Pays to be Clever! |
03-25-2010 |
How to Tell When it is REALLY COLD! (Frozen Jack) |
03-25-2010 |
Wedding Photos That Make You Say: "Oh My God..." |
03-23-2010 |
"Trapped" by Police, Woman Calls 911 |
03-19-2010 |
An Obama Recap: 2009 - The First Year |
03-19-2010 |
Minnesota Governor Candidate Bakk: Tax Clothes |
03-19-2010 |
U.S. Air Force Bird Strike Prevention Program |
03-19-2010 |
The Monk's Story |
03-19-2010 |
Demographics of U.S. Newspapers |
03-08-2010 |
The Ultimate Duck Blind |
03-08-2010 |
Video: Farmer Dill Plays Tunes With His Hands |
03-03-2010 |
Polish Air Force C-130 Has a Major Airframe Stress Event |
03-03-2010 |
When Someone Steals Your Kodak Moment |
03-03-2010 |
President Obama Showing His Disrespect for the Office |
03-03-2010 |
House Fly Art Humor - When You Get Really Bored At Work (Govt Job) |
03-03-2010 |
U.P. Michigan Deer Camp - Ultimate Ground Blind |
03-03-2010 |
Handyman Corner: How NOT To Do Repairs! |
03-03-2010 |
Koalas Bearing the Heat |
03-03-2010 |
Why Some Cars Don't Have Obama Stickers |
03-03-2010 |
The Obama Talking Bullshitter Doll - Best Selling Toy of 2010 |
03-03-2010 |
Best Craigslist Ad Ever |
03-03-2010 |
Ted Nugent: On Deer Hunting |
03-03-2010 |
The Deer Joke |
02-10-2010 |
The Bruce Carr Story - Circa WWII |
02-10-2010 |
Video: My Father (Earl) Interviewed for an Airport News Story on WDIO TV |
02-05-2010 |
Swamp Buck With Extraordinarily Long Hooves |
01-29-2010 |
Take The Dwight Schrute Character Knowledge Quiz |
01-22-2010 |
Anti-Gun State Senator Kills Intruders With Gun |
01-22-2010 |
Video: The Great Fishing Dog (3MB WMV) |
01-22-2010 |
Crocodile Takes an Arm |
01-22-2010 |
Rare Photo of the Elusive Tiger Shark |
01-22-2010 |
Moose Kiss |
01-22-2010 |
Immaculate Collection of Chevrolet Convertibles |
01-18-2010 |
Canada Snowmobile Hot Rod |
01-18-2010 |
Proposed New TSA Airport Screening Procedures |
01-14-2010 |
Traffic Jam on the Snowmobile Trail |